The Loop

Brand Identity and Web Design


The Loop is master trail system linking existing trails to form a contiguous 50-mile loop around the Dallas metroplex. The logomark for The Loop is an abstract form of the letter “L” created from a looping path shape. If you look closely, you can find every letter of loop in this abstract shape. The color palette consists of a gradient that goes from a bright grass green to sky aqua blue. The Loop logomark is transformed into unique abstract shapes on the company letterhead by cropping and elongating the mark. The Loop website is a guide for users to explore the master trail system. On the header map, each sub-trail is organized by location and amenity. It is modern, playful, and informational. The Loop brand identity facilitates commuters to connect with their city in a scenic and educational system.

You can find the current website at


Graphic Design, Web Design


Agency: The Shop Agency
Creative Directors: Dustin Taylor and David Soames
Client: The Loop
Design: Michaela (Kella) Keck and Dustin Taylor
Photography: The Loop


Client Gift - Vintage Ads


Red, White & Bourbon Poster